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Everything posted by hbk4eva

  1. Thank you both!
  2. I know Richmond is a "do what you like" night but I want to hang with other mini owners What's the move on Sunday night? Thanks everyone.
  3. Thank you for everything today!!
  4. Thanks again
  5. I'll take it. Thanks!
  6. I'm in for part 2. I have a convertible S and would like ceramic. What slots are available? Thanks!
  7. Trying to buy some decent speakers but I'm looking for someone to install it. Anyone know of a place they use? Thanks everyone!!
  8. Hi everyone! I'm brand new to the site and i'm extremely excited. I'm looking at changing the interior of my mini in regards to the technology portion and and my sound. Can someone tell me where to go for that? Also.....THANKS!
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