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About StokedAgain

  • Rank
    Second Gear
    Second Gear

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  • Title
    Second Gear

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  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Sterling, Va
  • Interests
    Mechanical, outdoors, surfing, camping, jeeps
  • Occupation
    Mechanic, Painter


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Royal Grey
  • My MINIs Roof Color
    Body Color
  • My MINIs Name
    Meep (3)

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  1. Still have mine...... I'm goin to chop it up now. Good luck with yours.
  2. I have a good header for an r50-3. $100
  3. They shouldn't be so expensive! lol and of course you find other stuff to when you actually get to taking it apart, so far I am replacing Left/Right inner balljoints LR outer balljoints LR hubs LR axles LR tie rods LR control arm bushings Valve cover gasket Coil overs on all corners Oil change 2 new tires We spent about an thousand dollars on parts total shipped over night to our door. (Minus tires and used coilovers) I don't even want to think about what it would have been for parts and labor from BMW. Ali I wish he had a garage! I tend to fill out any warranty that comes with a part and I would never charge anyone for defective parts or labor. If you work on something you should be doing right to begin with! He looked into extended aftermarket insurance/warranty but the cost was meh and of course Im all "i got you dad". The car has 75,000 miles and all the components were from the factory and has never been serviced besides oil, tires, and brakes. Bleh! I'm excited to drive it afterwards!
  4. So I'm out at lunch with my lady the other day and my dad (who lives in Newport news) calls. Well, over T-Day I drove his mini as he said he felt some odd things and heard noise. So I drive it, noted several things and then popped the hood just to check out under there as well. Front right wheel hub/bearing was gone, tie rods toast, his new tires wore with toe-all over, probably roasted control arm bushings, and a pretty leaky valve cover. I tell him to take it to one of the mini dealer and have it diagnosed after the holiday and let everyone know what they find and I'll take care of it. Fast forward Back to my dad calling, he's says everything I noted they noted and that he told them to fix it all.... $3100. ummm. Dad, call mini, get her out, I'll be there in 2 days with all the parts and we will shake the car down a second 3rd time. I had him email me the estimate and holy wow. If you can do anything for your Mini, learn to work on them! End unnecessary rant. Ps, some mini work pics coming soon. I'm also installing a single plate clutch system as well!
  5. They are doing a slew of other things in the front end that pretty much require you to drop the sub. If this is their first attempt at doing it I would highly suggest doing it correctly the first time around so you can learn what you are doing instead of just trying to wing a part in there. I have done both methods (leaving it up and pulling it) I still find dropping the whole thing easier (it was not hard at all to line things up myself and I can access almost the entire engine all the way around and can fix a bunch of common leaks) . Some subs had plenty of room to just hang it down and other just wouldn't drop enough. Again I recommend they do it by procedure first to learn the right way first, then they can decide what corners to cut.
  6. i have done them several time, LCA bushings are easy to change there are just a lot of steps. check this link http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/MINI/41-SUSPEN-Control_Arm_Bushing_and_ball_joint_Replacement/41-SUSPEN-Control_Arm_Bushing_and_ball_joint_Replacement.htm, they have a beautiful write up and plenty of extra knowledge. Take your time, it takes me almost a whole day (I am a mechanic) to change them by myself in my driveway (I pull whole subframe out, SO MUCH EASIER). i would also suggest the prepressed bushings over pressing them your self if you dont have a press. Let me know if you have any questions!:top:
  7. I plan to do the columns and the steering wheel soon. Door cards ill be doing a mix of the carbon grey and carbon black. I was also thinking of doing a bunch of stuff on the outside like i did my on old mini but with lacquer over it to give it a nice realistic effect. I use TeckWrapUSA (warehouse right in maryland!) Pretty much the same as 3M's Di Noc 3d Carbon Fiber vinyls
  8. Yeah no worries let me know!
  9. I like your style! (already have three sets coming to me to wrap!) :top:
  10. I started the process of wrapping the interior of my newer mini a little at a time. Here are a couple pieces
  11. Mach V is a decent place to go if you want to do a remote tuning session with Jan from RMW. Mach V has had some nasty mini on that dyno! As far as them putting parts on.... A big ol nope. :stupid:
  12. Noted, Thank you!
  13. For sale or trade for Bluetooth single din headunit *pandora, android, hd a plus, 4 channel amp or nice 6.5 component speakers. Everything is for an R53. Sterling, Va Older Alta 15% reduction SC pulley $70 Alta CAI (red box and filter only) $100 Factory HK amplifier works great $250 SOLD Text 571 721 9088 :motor:
  14. So one injector (#2) works 95% of the time and that is where my misfire code is coming from. After a few cleaner tanks it rarely happens now. But when I get back from vacation I'll be getting a new set and possibly a a tune. When I purchased the car it had 120k on the clock and Ive since put another 10k on it, in 5 months. A timing service is prudent on high mileage minis as well as hard driven ones. I am positive mine had never been serviced and me being who I am along with my abilities, she gets the full treatment! :top:
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