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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Thank you Catalina - I will look this weekend - Nora
  2. Oh - I understand the last part now - I just re-read your reply:smile:
  3. Oh - that is just BRILLIANT!! Thank you so much! Now - pushing the envelope a little further - where can you get one of those "draft dodgers" / "cowl covers" - I've seen them in magazines but can't remember if I've seen any in stores and I'd love to get one ASAP as my Mini unfortunately is under a tree. Not sure I understood your last sentence ? Could you clarify a bit please? Thanks again for that great idea :-):top:
  4. Anyone got any ideas to stop leaves gathering up in that space at the end of the windscreen and the beginning of the bonnet. When I come out in the morning, I don't want to have to be picking out all the leaves that gather in the space. I was thinking maybe someone might have an idea what to use "overnight" to stop the leaves from gathering here. Something like a weighted cloth (like the kind they put on you when you're having dental x-rays (ha ha) only to fit over that space? Ideas anybody? Nora:wink:
  5. Thanks for that info Darryl - Nora
  6. Hi there - Am I mistaken, or did I see listed a couple of weeks ago a "Meet and Greet" for September 21 at the Alexandria Mini Dealership? I don't see it listed now. Anyone fill me in please? Thanks - Nora
  7. Darryl - thanks for that info. Do you know what the difference is between the VX1 Pro and the VX1 Signature. Is it just that the size of the Pro is a larger bottle? You're located in Manassas yes? I'm in Gaithersburg, otherwise I'd have you do it, since I've read good things about you on the blog here :-) Nora
  8. I was thinking about getting it done because I don't have a garage, and at my townhouse, I am parked under a tree - so rather than trying to wax/seal my car every 5 minutes I'd like to get something that was better/longer lasting than say Carnauba wax or some of the other poly sealants etc. This sounded pretty good, even if you only have to redo it once a year - not every 2 years and every now & then wax - I'll ask their recommendations before I do it. (wow, considering it's $75 a bottle - I'd just as soon have the dealership apply it so I don't mess anything up - it's worth it to me).
  9. Again - thank you so much for all the advice - REALLY appreciate it. I was over at the MINI dealership the other day and they told me there's a new product out that "beats all others" - 22PLE - it's a polymer/like glass sealant that lasts up to 2 years. I did a little research on it, and apparently it's fantastic. (MINI charges $150 to have them do it), but of course, you can buy it relatively cheap - I think if memory serves me well (which it usually doesn't) is around $39 for a bottle. Nora
  10. Thank you Jim for that information - really appreciate it! Nora
  11. Hi everyone - can anyone give me some suggestions of a good automatic waxer/polisher - nothing big and heavy, something I can handle (have a rotator cuff issue so need an automatic) - I've looked at a few online, but they seem quite big and cumbersome. Also - does anyone use a synthetic sealant first, and then finish with Carnauba? I've heard you can combine the two since Carnauba is not as long lasting as the synthetics. I know this has probably already been discussed, but since I'm new to the site, thought I'd ask. Thanks.
  12. Gosh - thanks all for the input. I had to smile at mbabischkin's (Michael) response because I was out with my girlfriend tonight & we were talking about the fact I should get a car cover, and I said to her - but will people think I'm crazy if I take it to work & cover it - I'll be a laughing stock - ha ha ha! But I still may get a cover for other times. Any recommendations? - there are hundreds of kinds with varying prices. And yes, Michael, you're right - I should just enjoy & stop fretting over the paint/stripes lasting.
  13. Yep - I just said to Ali I wondered if the old paint would look obviously different from what's under the stripes when you take the stripes off. Guess I'll have to really keep the waxing up. I heard the Carnauba liquid wax is good.
  14. Thanks so much Ali for your input - yes - I wondered about when you remove the stripes if the paint would be a "newer" color than the rest of the car - especially since I don't have a garage. (maybe I'll get a car cover) - but that's a pain taking it off every morning. Will have to think about it. In the meantime, I won't worry and plan to enjoy my ride in this great new car!!
  15. Can anyone tell me about maintaining rally stripes on the car? Is it ok to use the brushless drive-through that spray waxes at the end. I just bought my 2013 MCS and want to maintain the paint and also the stripes, but not sure about the waxing part. I hear Carnauba liquid is great, but of course the drive-thru's don't use it. I'll get it hand-done every few months, but in the meantime....any suggestions on making sure it doesn't peel etc? Also, I don't have a garage so want to protect as much as I can. Thanks for any input. Oh, I got MiniGraphics to supply them - they're 3M stripes.
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