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Everything posted by PTUNING

  1. Thank you for the shout-out, Steph!
  2. Hello Donross. This is Daniel @PTUNING in Manassas. OP(randmness) came by our shop a couple of months ago for the supercharger service. He also replaced his water pump as well as a bunch of other maintenance items. OP, I hope everything is all well and good with your MINI! Our shop rate is currently $95/hr for regular labor and $110/hr for fabrication/custom work. Please feel free to send me a PM or you can send me an email directly at daniel@ptuning.com. I'd be happy to give you a quote or even just chat with you about any services that you may want.
  3. Hello everyone, This is Daniel @Ptuning. I really appreciate the feedback and the compliments, OP. It means more than you know. It was a pleasure to coordinate the work for OP, and I am happy to help anybody that might be looking to get service done through us. If interested, please don't hesitate to send me a PM! Best regards, Daniel@Ptuning
  4. Thank you randmness for your great feedback! I will definitely pass the kinds words on to our tech and service advisor Daniel. Please don't hesitate to ask for Daniel for any of your future services. Once again, thank you very much! Regards, Mike @ PTUNING
  5. The exhaust looks and sounds great. I will post some pics soon.
  6. Still have to work
  7. I have to work Saturday :banghead:
  8. Thanks everyone for your input. My 2008 S consume about 1 quart every 1500 miles. So it seems to be on par with most other 07-08 S posted here. So from the information posted so far, seems like the 02-06 is fine, and the latest 13 model is fine too. All other models should definitely check their oil regularly :-) Please keep this information coming.
  9. As the title stated. Can everyone chime in regarding their MINI. Please specify year, model, and how much oil your MINI consume. I like to get an idea if this is common to a particular year and model. Thanks.
  10. We recently did two similar custom exhaust systems on the MINI. One for a 2012 Cooper S (GP Edition) and the other for a 2007 Cooper S (auto). Both yielded amazing results and the exhaust sounded great.
  11. Thank you John for allowing us to use your R53 to test fit our tow hook, and camera mount kit. Yea! it fits perfectly. Check the pictures from the OP. Sounds great Edge!
  12. Sorry Alicyn but the tow hook only comes in red, just as you see in the picture.
  13. Since I won't be able to make the first MINI spring fling event due to the PTUNING spring event on April 5th, I wouldn't mind mounting my GoPro kit on your MCS for some coverage. Do you have a GoPro? The one that is on my MCS belong to a co-worker and he needs it for the April 5th event. Let me know.
  14. I just added two more options to the original post for the GoPro camera mount kit only and the POV camera mount kit. So, you can now buy: 1. Tow hook kit with optional camera mount adapter. 2. Camera mount kit only for GoPro. 3. Camera mount kit only for POV. If you decide to go with the camera mount kit only and later on want to add a two hook adapter....yes! you can do that too. That is the beauty of our kit, you can interchange them. For those that want to run a license plate relocation kit off of the factory tow hook, we have that too. I will post that shortly. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks for the offer. That would be great. See you tomorrow.
  16. Thanks cmcveay. Yea, we figure the thread pitch is pretty much the same for all MINI and BMW models, but we still need to verify the length of the tow bolt on the first gen.
  17. We believe it's the same, but we need a first gen to test fit the thread and length of the tow hook. So, if we have anyone local with a first gen that is interested in the tow hook/camera mount, we can test fit it and discount you a bit on the part for your trouble. Thanks,
  18. It's consider aftermarket parts, and yes it will qualify for the club discount. When we say non performance, we mean OEM or OEM spec parts. If you order online, please use discount code: ptdcmetrominis Also, the camera mount adapter (optional) is fully adjustable. Thanks,
  19. PTUNING MINI R50, R52, R53, R55, R56, R57 Front Tow Hook Kit - NEW! (kit has provision for a GoPro or POV camera mount) http://www.ptuning.com/subdir/partnosearchresult.cfm?PartNumber=PTP-EXT-16102 PTUNING MINI R50, R52, R53, R55, R56, R57 GoPro Camera Mount Kit - NEW! http://www.ptuning.com/subdir/partnosearchresult.cfm?PartNumber=PTP-EXT-16103-GOP PTUNING MINI R50, R52, R53, R55, R56, R57 POV Camera Mount Kit - NEW! http://www.ptuning.com/subdir/partnosearchresult.cfm?PartNumber=PTP-EXT-16103-STD PTUNING MINI R55, R56, R57 Adjustable License Plate Kit - NEW! http://www.ptuning.com/subdir/partnosearchresult.cfm?PartNumber=PTP-EXT-16101 Thank you John for allowing us to test fit the tow hook and camera mount on your R53.
  20. Thank you Ty for giving PTUNING the opportunity to service your MINI. Sorry, I was off last Friday and didn't get a chance to meet you in person. I'm glad to hear the guys took good care of you and the car. Look forward to meeting you at the next MINI meet. Regards,
  21. Thank you. We will get a lot more MINI stuff listed on our site. In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me if you need other MINI parts that are not yet listed on our site. Simple self diagnostic would be excessive suspension noise/creaking etc. Basically, when you hear something that is not of the norm, it's good to have that check out as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Otherwise, if you should schedule an alignment, our tech can do a visual inspection for you.
  22. PTUNING is now an authorized Powerflex distributor and installer. Here is a list of Powerflex products for our MINI: http://powerflexusa.com/minicooper07.aspx Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards,
  23. I just saw that on the schedule. Thank you Alicyn, and thank you Mark for me.
  24. If Peewee is happy, I'm happy.
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