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Everything posted by DuB?

  1. DuB?

    Invidia Q300

    q300 is sold, Still looking for 100 for the DP
  2. DuB?

    Invidia Q300

    Spoke with OhBe1 via text, but to answer those questions: With the full turboback catless set up, yes it is loud I have seen little to no drone with my mini.( I also drive a manual so rev control is easier) Yes, The resonator is still in tact on the catback portion. Dropping package price to 325 picked up(20147)
  3. DuB?

    Invidia Q300

    everything is off the car and looking good. text me if you want pictures ~Mike 571-409-0655:rock:
  4. DuB?

    Invidia Q300

    I will be removing this exhaust tomorrow (q300) I need to sell this asap to pay for some strut repairs. Its a 1peice welded system from the PO with ~12kmiles still sounds great. I would Like to let it go for 250 for it picked up in the 20147. I may also be taking my Riss racing catless DP off as well. Just depends on if there is any interest in it. ($100). Thanks Mike 571-409-0655
  5. Ill give you 25 for these, just lemme know when you can meet up. Im free anytime after 6pm. Thanks Mike 571-409-0655
  6. Price drop 400 for the coils and the endlinks
  7. http://imageshack.us/a/img560/1462/img2140zl.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img13/4651/img2139vj.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img703/7015/img2136j.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img811/2319/img2137zj.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img824/1962/img2138lf.jpg Bump for pics of the coils, Willing to sell the coils and the endlinks as a set $450 localish (with in 20miles of 20147) Little bit of surface rust on the threads, everything else is 100% mint. Thanks Dub?
  8. Not picky they just need to fit the stock mini 17x7 wheel.. Will buy consider 50% and above tread life. Looking to buy 2 matching but if the price is right on 4 Id consider. Thanks. Mike 'DuB?' Pirrello
  9. Looks awesome!!!
  10. ^^^ Couldn't have said it any better!
  11. Dropped again to 200 cash picked up from my house in Ashburn VA. This is the bottomline. Coils and exhaust coming off next week. Thanks Mike (Five71)four09-zero655
  12. I havent been driving the mini much, and will have these uninstalled very soon. Ill message you pics when i do have em. My buddy is on vaca for the next two weeks and I wont be able to use his lift to remove em.
  13. Sold sold sold
  14. Bump pics
  15. SOLD SOLD SOLD Galaxy Tab 10.1 Gen 1, Lightly used. I have a leather Belkin case, USB adapter, wall charger, and screen protector. SOLD SOLD SOLD http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxytab/10.1/feature.html Looking for 120obo, I will ship this if you want in a flat rate box(on me :top:) 571-409-0655 SOLD SOLD SOLD
  16. Price drop on the m7 intake and heatshield: 250 will deliver within 10-15miles of 20147 Thanks! WIll post pics if someone is interested.
  17. Bump for interest and any offers welcome.
  18. ahhhhh :banghead: thats what I get for reading posts first thing in the morning hahaha. I was looking at getting into a 135i. But with the way things are going I may just part out my mini back to stock. Keep it and have both. =D ~Mike
  19. Honestly Im open to anything. In the same price range/ value of the part listed. Just lemme know! Thanks, Mike (Dub?)
  20. all parts still avail
  21. Bump for price dropppp:rock::rock:
  22. Sounds like a plan! Keep me posted!:rock:
  23. With the catless dp I dont get a ton of drone, But in all honestly I dont really mind the bit I get.
  24. All prices are OBO, So just hit me up, If you have cash and its not a lowball im pretty flexible. ~Mike
  25. Dropping back to stock for a dealer trade in. Parts to go are: SOLD M7 AGS-R intake SOLD with heatshield (no rear mounting hw) SOLD Gel coated white ~8k miles SOLD looking for 300 obo SOLD Invidia Catback Q300 (welded 1 piece by PO) ~8k miles looking for 350 obo Riss racing catless DP looking for 100 OBO Vmaxx coils ~5k miles 100% mint 400 obo Can get em installed for an extra 200 (no alignment) Alta endlinks Front and rears ~5kmiles 70 a pair 115 a set obo Ill be slowly pulling these parts out over the next month or so, but if you want one Ill get it removed asap! Just lemme know Will deliver in the NOVA area. ~Mike 571-409-0655 Open to Firearm trades, Mostly pistols =D
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