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About a.faolchu

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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color

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  1. I think I seen Merlin in the Burke Centre Pkwy Shopping Center today?
  2. Yes I'am doing the beltline and it is now finished, Yeah Merlin we can do those handles ill set some material a side for you.
  3. Yes I named my car "Hitman", and for the carbon vinyl yes its not cheap at all $30 a square foot for 3m brand but only comes in 48in width but the mini roof is 49in so I had to go with the $20 a square foot generic stuff cause it comes in 60in for the roof all though 3m brand is more duarabe for stretching the generic looks better in direct light, My primary goal was to get rid of the white and chrome on the car needless to say I over did it. Here are some pics of the finish product since it got dark on me last night. Few more chrome pieces to finish up
  4. So today was a short day at work so I decided to lay the roof in the 3m carbon vinyl, I do not suggest doing this alone when its windy out. lol
  5. Interior finally back in, dont mind the mickey d's bag. lol
  6. So I decided to dedicate a thread for the build of my mini and a name so tggrrr doesn't harass me anymore. lol (aka Hitman)
  7. Got the interior back in
  8. No...Its alot of 3m carbon vinyl.lol
  9. And some other projects Ive been working on. IPHONE Verizon Jet Pack Droid Razr Macbook
  10. Just finished the drivers side belt moulding
  11. And a borla sport exhaust plus other things I keep finding, almost done with wrapping the interior in 3m Di-Noc Carbon Fiber going to do the roof this weekend, Need to find the time to drop it off at Ptuning (Manassas,VA) and see what else is hiding in there. lol
  12. I had a scion xb
  13. Thanks everybody glad to be in a good enthausist community again I Use to be a big scion enthuasist so the mini community is pretty simlar. Nope no name yet. lol
  14. The rest of the interior is being covered should be all put back in tomorrow. Yes I did it myself my previous profession was auto body so Im pretty handy in that department.
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