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Posts posted by smoke789

  1. Had a great time, always good to convert someone to the PD side.


    Lona, have you found the impromtu PD on Zparkle?


    I was in class all day when I read this. Drove me crazy! Couldn't wait to get home and walk around Zparkle to see what you did. I didn't even put my stuff down, but carried everything around the car twice. You got me. I didn't find any plasti-dip. You made me look. :ahhhhh::ahhhhh::ahhhhh:

  2. What a great day! And fantastic weather too! I have no idea how many dents Randy worked out, but he put his time and efforts into 8 vehicles. I hope everyone was happy with their results! I was; Randy took half a dozen dents out of my vehicle. :)


    Randy and Rey brought donuts. Melissa and Nora brought cookies. Panera delivered fantastic sandwiches via their catering package.


    Corey and Nora had plasti-dip-101 on the lawn. And while we watched all the activity, plenty of members stopped by to visit. The day turned out better than planned. :) Thank you everyone who made today so much fun!

  3. Randy said he'd take care of whoever showed up with whatever vehicle they want worked on. If anyone has a vehicle other than their MINI they'd like to get some dings removed from, he'll work on them too! He didn't declare a minimum number of vehicles, but I'd like to make sure we take care of him so he's still willing to do this event in the future.

  4. Paintless Dent Removal Party

    Saturday ~ 22 March 2014




    GarageMahal (McVeay's house)

    5200 Lindsay St

    Fairfax, VA 22032


    Randy Coffey is available for another dent removal party. He has again offered us the incredible price of $50/panel (not per dent).

    ~ Dents should typically be about a half-dollar in size, without creases. Anything over 2" will require an estimate and much more shop time.

    ~ Dents can't be in the roofs, pillars or rails as they require much more shop time to access and repair

    ~ No dents on body lines or edges of panels


    ~~ If anyone has any questions on what Randy can or cannot do, please email him 2 to 3 pictures from a few feet back at a 45 degree angle. randy@detailauthority.com or 703-978-7800.


    please RSVP with your time request. I will edit the schedule accordingly.


    9:00 -

    9:40 - Ray ~ NYRican MC40

    10:20 - Bill ~ wsheffel

    11:00 - 11:30 Lunch Break

    11:30 - Chris ~ SMNOLE MCS

    12:10 - John ~ OBSESSIVE


    1:30 - Craig ~ SneakyBaron

    2:10 - Beau ~ ElpolloDiablo

    2:50 - Beau ~ ElpolloDiablo

    3:30 - Laura ~ GreenCactus

    4:10 -


    If people would just like to come by and hang out during the day, we will fire up the grill and/or smoker.

  5. We had a Category 3 Labranado this morning. Picked the dogs up at 8:30 and 2 hours later they are finally calm enough for the house to be peaceful again. Once home, they thoroughly inspected everything, found a few bites to eat on the floor, supervised clean-up, and now, all 3 are asleep and snoring. Life is back to normal.

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