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About Pepper19

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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Really looking forward to catching up with everyone at the member event.
  2. I park in a garage downtown and something dripped on Pepper (best guess is concrete dust). It left a mark and none of the normal (or even more creative) home options are helping. Two questions. First, any thing you suggest I try? Second, if I take her to someone, who would you recommend? I want trustworthy and affordable, ideally not far from DC. Thanks!
  3. I'm in Takoma Park, MD but I work downtown and I am going on the cherry picking run in a couple of weeks. Is any of that helpful?
  4. I somehow managed to order four of these rather than two. Before shipping the extra two back, I thought I should check in to see if anyone wants them. They are $20 each and are the badge holders that you put on the front grill (not the ones that go on the license plates). If you are interested, just let me know in the next week. Otherwise, I'll go ahead and return them. --Pepper19
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