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Everything posted by mf44

  1. Looks like it's just us 3 for tomorrow, then. See you there!
  2. Where are all the MINIs? Only see 2 on the registration, and that includes me.
  3. Maxi, just FYI, the subject says 4-09, but the event is in May.
  4. Oh one more thing; registration is open for the May 2nd NCC BMWCCA autocross at Summit Point: http://www.nccbmwcca.org/index.php?view=details&id=107%3Aautox-points-event-2&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=26 I know it's a bit of a haul to Summit
  5. Sweet photos, guys! It was cool to see you all. By the way, Chris, I somewhat redeemed myself with 3 clean runs in the afternoon, the fastest at 50.4, I think.
  6. No. If I remember correctly, CDC tries to do 3 runs per car, per heat. So three runs before lunch, three after, for a total of 6.
  7. Will be there April 4. Car 451, heat 1.
  8. I may be mistaken, but I was under the impression that MINI's policy on brake jobs is that pads and rotors are changed together, regardless of actual rotor wear. If that is indeed the case, then it's entirely possible your rotors are fine for continued use. I don't know the minimum width specs, however.
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