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Everything posted by MiniNav

  1. Oh cool, didn't recognize it A lot of people statue'd then 35mm or not, the DR of modern day DSLRs really blows away so many other cameras (not counting film), it's really cool shots like that can be done relatively noise free and with so much detail.
  2. Aka the event held at Quiet Waters park in Annapolis. Just a small batch of what I took, only is RAW conversion with minor adjustments (+/- 1 or 2 in saturation, contrast, shadows etc...). Also if anyone is using Photobucket or another free uploading site (I'm looking into smugmug once I have a port) that works and is relatively limit free, please let me know :top: (using flickr right now and it's nice but it's not a very nice presentation) For these two, feel free to ignore the watermarks, they're for protection against Facebook (where I uploaded them) dumping them onto a search engine.
  3. Jeremy - cool concept on the first shot :top: Matarella - The first shot is awesome! How many exposures is that? Maxi - Where was that shot? I really like the architecture and framing!
  4. until
    <p>The finalization of the ice skating planning that occurred in the even planning subforum, the date and time are reserved, only RSVPs are needed now. For those who haven't seen the event planning thread, more information <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=121" rel="external nofollow">here</a>. </p> <p> </p> <p>Costs? Include $2.00 for rentals</p> <p> </p> <p>10 people going : $27.50 per person</p> <p>15 people going : $18.33 per person</p> <p>20 people going : $13.75 per person</p> <p>25 people going : $11.00 per person</p> <p> </p> <p>There is a public skating session later in the day (3:00PM to 5:00PM) at $11.50 a person, however the ice is being rented out for anyone who wants to learn how to skate, hasn't skated in years, or is just would like to have as much open ice as possible (sort of a skating clinic). Guests are strongly encouraged!!</p> <p> </p> <p>IMPORTANT NOTE - PRIVATE RENTAL CANCELED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT INTEREST (FEWER THAN 10 PEOPLE INTERESTED). THE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THE PUBLIC SKATE, NEW PRICE : $11.50 PER PERSON (INCLUDING RENTALS). ANYONE ARRIVING AT 3:00, LOOK FOR A LASER BLUE MCS IN THE PARKING LOT.</p>
  5. The finalization of the ice skating planning that occurred in the even planning subforum, the date and time are reserved, only RSVPs are needed now. For those who haven't seen the event planning thread, more information [url="http://www.dcmetrominis.org
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