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(External Event) MINI of Baltimore: Toy Drive and Rally


DCMM Club Calendar

There is a Toy Drive and Rally to see the Merriweather Symphony of Lights hosted by MINI of Baltimore & Porsche of Townson next Wednesday, the 9th, at 5 p.m. The meetup is at MINI of Baltimore at 5 p.m. with a 5:30 departure to Merriweather.  Its a socially distant event, so you stay in your vehicle and hand them a toy (or pop the boot for them to get it) and they hand you a prepaid ticked to the Light show.  They are asking for unwrapped gifts for the Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital and they have a wishlist link if you need ideas (in the link below).  I realize that some of you are in D.C. and Virginia and can't make it to MINI of Baltimore before they leave at 5:30 p.m.  However, for those of you who want to donate a toy and attend the link is below.  I have a toy coming in via Amazon and will be there unless something big comes up.

Looking forward to seeing other MINIs,



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