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About bguy40

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Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Alexandria, VA


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Pepper White
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  1. springs, rear sway, and rear control arms
  2. Reviving an old thread here...but we should still make this seafoam party happen... :idea:
  3. I finally got all my suspension stuff in! Can anybody recommend a local shop and/or person that'll help me do it? And by help, I mean pretty much do it. I'll just get in the way and crack horrible jokes. Suspension stuff isn't my forte. :stupid: However, I can always bring good beer (depends on your definition of good beer I suppose?) and I'd even be willing to pay. I just prefer to give the money to somebody who can benefit from it instead of a shop. Gotta pay it forward! Oh yeah,and I'm located near Ft. Belvoir! :top:
  4. Ahhhh I wish I would have made it! I got off shift late (I'm a nurse. I'm never on time. Smh) Next time??
  5. Well I like to give the perception that I'm somewhat of a classy broad. However, desperate times call for desperate measures...
  6. Thanks!:top:
  7. I am interested actually. Can you give me some more info on it?
  8. I've been creeping on this forum for a little while now and figured I'd finally speak up. I'm new-ish to the DC area (been here just over a year). Just looking for some people to talk mini stuff with, drink beer, and drive fast. Not all at the same time...at least the latter two. Just got my stage 2 tune on my 09 MCS a couple of days ago and now I'm just waiting for some free time to put on my new suspension. I live in Alexandria and yeah. I'm trying to make this NOT sound like a match.com profile haha :top: B
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