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Chili Red Fiona

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Everything posted by Chili Red Fiona

  1. About two days ago I started my 2010 MINI (automatic) and while braking at a light it started noticably shaking. It did this sporadically and then last night I put the car into reverse to back out of a parking spot, then when i went to drive, it essentially stalled on me (I'm not sure how else to describe it) and I had to restart the car. Has anyone had a similar experience or having any idea of what could be going on? None of my warning lights are on, and I've only had it since May ... I haven't had a chance to take it in to get it looked at so wanted to see what suggestions others might have. Thanks!
  2. I had a Low Tire Warning when I got in my car this morning. I just checked the air pressure and they all appear lower (mid-20s) than the max psi, so I'm thinking I just need to add a little air to all of them. Has anyone else had this warning appear on a regular basis, or have you only had it come on if there's a major problem? I'm at almost 6,000 miles, so I think it makes sense I probably just need to add air, but the warning light stayed on the entire way to work ... appreciate any feedback!
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