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Everything posted by smoke789

  1. Jorge, I've uploaded the pictures that Catalina took to the MTTB6 website on facebook. Here's the album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.293821207493556.1073741836.148625195346492&type=3 I am unable to view the pictures you've uploaded to your album on facebook.
  2. smoke789

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    Hope to see people come to the restaurant, that couldn't make the drive. The back tent area was reserved for 100 people, so we have lots of room. If you didn't RSVP before today, come anyway!
  3. FRS (Family Radio System). You can pick up a pair at Walmart or wherever there's an electronic section of a store. The important thing is to make sure it offers sub-channels. They range in price and quality and everyone has their favorite brand. Lots of people have the Motorolas or the Cobras. Note* Usually, a few people will bring spare radios on the drives for people who don't have (or have forgotten theirs like I did last drive). If you're not sure what to get, you can borrow tomorrow, and consider it like research or a test drive.
  4. Registration and raffle volunteers... David will open the doors of Passport MINI at 7:30. I'll have a few tables and chairs, and boxes of stuff in my truck to unload and set up. I also need a favor from a participant. Specifically, a someone who can drive a clutch. My truck needs to go over to Sears after it's unloaded with registration/raffle items at Passport. Soooo, Can someone take it over to Sears for me so the ladder and truck bed can be used for photo ops? It will also have the flags in it to pass out. Before 8am?
  5. Reminder! Please don't forget your radios. If you still have United State window flags from previous years, please bring them. We've got lots from last year; maybe enough for everyone. But just in case, we want to ensure everyone can display one (minus the cabrios that don't have the same window options). We will have two credit card transaction positions, for anyone who wants to buy raffle tickets on site, or make their donation to Operation Second Chance with their credit card. We have some great raffle prizes this year! To get a glimpse, you'll have to check the link Catalina provided above! If you're bringing cash, exact change will be very helpful. We'll have limited small bills on site to make change. (I'm currently hoarding up $1s and $5s!) See you Sunday!
  6. smoke789

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    We are officially one week away! Just a reminder... don't forget to RSVP for lunch if you haven't already.
  7. Thank you! And thank Jeff for participating.
  8. Jorge :itsme: can I get your buddy's name?
  9. Thank you everyone who has stepped up to volunteer! We appreciate all the help we can get. Now that we have quite a few people who have offered to take pictures and video, we still need someone who can patch us together an event video. Any takers? One week left!
  10. This is our updated list! Drivers 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini 2. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 3. Jim & Jennifer Carman / Carman63 4. Alex / Mini in Black 5. (sweeper) **** POSITION OPEN **** Briefer - filled 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini GoPro Driver 1. Melissa / Monster99 2. Jorge / osofast10v2 3. Craig / SneakyBaron 4. Jorge's buddy Dash Cam 1. Jonathan / JCooper Photographers 1. Justin Sever 2. Jeff Videographer 1. ** POSITION OPEN ** WTOP Liason 1. Edge / Haemish Edgerton Registration Table 1. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 2. Rey / NYRican_MC40 Raffle Sales 1. Catalina Rivera / Poison Ivy 2. Sherri Wilson / isherri 3. ** POSITION OPEN ** Swag / T-shirt table - filled 1. Hilary Brown
  11. Did anyone take pics of all the cars this year?
  12. Thank you Craig!
  13. smoke789

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    Please don't forget to RSVP for lunch! Lunch is a separate RSVP because we like to provide good numbers to the restaurant in case some people cannot do both the beltway lap and lunch. Also, there are some great raffle prizes and the drawing will be at the restaurant. You will not need to be present to win, but it's much funner if you are, isn't it?
  14. MINIs Take the Beltway is an event meant to honor our Nation's Veterans. We make the drive, fly US Flags from our windows and give all the proceeds from the event to an organization that helps our Wounded Veterans and their families. The mission statement for Operation Second Chance says, "We are patriotic citizens committed to serving our wounded, injured and ill combat veterans. We support Veterans and their families while they recover in military hospitals, by building relationships and identifying and supporting immediate needs and interests. We are dedicated to promoting public awareness of the many sacrifices made by our Armed Forces." http://operationsecondchance.org/ The $10 suggested donation per car can be given: * Checks can be written directly to Operation Second Chance and will be collected at the event * A Credit Card reader will be available on the day of the event * Cash will collected day of the event ~*~* All cash and credit card transactions will be totaled up after the event. DCMM will send a single check for the full amount with the personal checks from participants to O2C.
  15. That's fantastic! Thanks for the update, Hilary!
  16. Randy Detail Authority Randy@detailauthority.com 703-978-7800
  17. Here's the latest on volunteers! Still a few spots available. I know this club is loaded in photographers... and they're all being dreadfully silent... Drivers 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini 2. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 3. Jim & Jennifer Carman / Carman63 4. Alex / Mini in Black 5. (sweeper) **** POSITION OPEN **** Briefer - filled 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini GoPro Driver 1. Melissa / Monster99 2. Jorge / osofast10v2 (tentative) 3. Craig / SneakyBaron Photographers 1. 2. Videographer 1. WTOP Liason 1. Edge / Haemish Edgerton Registration Table 1. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 2. Rey / NYRican_MC40 Raffle Sales 1. Catalina Rivera / Poison Ivy 2. Sherri Wilson / isherri 3. Swag / T-shirt table - filled 1. Hilary Brown
  18. Thank you, Bill!
  19. MINI Dynamics aka MINIDyn has again made an impressive donation in support of MTTB6! If anyone needs to do a little research, here are the details: (5) $100 off coupons towards the purchase of a custom Manic MINI ECU Tune for any GEN2 MINI (N14 or N18) - includes model years 2007 thru 2014. Must be redeemed by 31 December 2014. http://www.minidynamics.com/ECU-Tuning-Systems-s/2055.htm (1) Manic MINI Stage 1 ECU Tune (value $500) for any GEN2 MINI (N14 or N18) - includes model years 2007 thru 2014. This coupon MUST be redeemed by 30 Nov 2014 and is only transferable towards another Manic MINI Stage Tune. http://www.minidynamics.com/Manic-MINI-Stage-1-Tune-p/mini-stage1-manic-tune.htm
  20. For those who are interested, your pictures could appear in MC2 Magazine, documenting MTTB6. So keep that in mind when you're looking through the lens! Last year, the article about our event appeared in the MC2 issue #48 (Feb/Mar 2014) http://www.mc2magazine.com/index.cfm
  21. I was JUST reading last year's forum thread again, to make sure I'd covered everything, and saw where you said you had called every 10 minutes into WTOP. I was planning on adding that to the volunteer list as soon as I navigated back over to this thread. I'll put your name next to it!
  22. If anyone missed it, there is now a "Store" link on the bar above! (Was that there this morning?) Our T-Shirt order deadline is October 22nd. So don't forget to click on our new 'Store' link and order your event t-shirt!
  23. Thank you for asking, Brandy! I emailed it to you.
  24. At the annual meeting, I passed out 240 event cards so people can tag MINIs in the wild. If anyone would like that document so they can print their own, please let me know.
  25. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and offered to help. I still have volunteer opportunities! Drivers 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini 2. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 3. Jim & Jennifer Carman / Carman63 4. Alex / Mini in Black 5. (sweeper) Quitta / FAST060 Briefer - filled 1. Corey Brown / 1975_mini GoPro Driver 1. Melissa / Monster99 2. 3. Photographers 1. 2. Videographer 1. WTOP Liason 1. Edge / Haemish Edgerton Registration Table 1. Brandy Brown / Brandy_Brown 2. Rey / NYRican_MC40 Raffle Sales 1. Catalina Rivera / Poison Ivy 2. Sherri Wilson / isherri 3. Swag / T-shirt table - filled 1. Hilary Brown
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