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About Cadbury

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Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Centreville, VA


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Black-Eye Purple/Purple Haze
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
    The Boot
  1. I thought the forum had a "Did you get a card?" thread, but that might be DMC. Anyway... Thanks for the card! I'm glad you like my license plate! Cadbury, (Card received in Oakton)
  2. Thanks Bert - that's the instruction for installing the roof rack. I'm looking for help modifying the "touring cycle holder" which goes on the roof rack.
  3. I have spent a TON of time on Google looking for one, and absolutely cannot. Do you perhaps recall the search words you used? thanks for responding!
  4. I have misplaced my instruction booklet, and want to rotate the holding arm to the other side of the rack. I was hoping someone at DC metro MINIS would have the same holder, know where their instruction manual is, and be willing to PDF and email me those pages.... The cycle touring rack is the one that holds the bike with both wheels on, and you ratchet the holding arm onto the bike with a turning knob near the base. Thanks for the help! Lisa
  5. A friend of mine recently gave me the touring bike holder. She had misplaced the key and the bolts that attach it to the roof rack. I was able to get a key from the dealer, and now I'm waiting for the "mounting brackets" to arrive from Germany. I'm a little confused about how the bike holder goes on the rack, and I have reason to believe that the mounting brackets may not be the correct part (long story). Is there anyone in the DC Metro community who has the MINI roof rack with a touring bike holder, or other attachment, with whom I might be able to meet up for a demonstration of the attachment function? thanks, Lisa
  6. and the winner is...? MachV. Took the MINI up this morning... rotated front to back, thank you MachV However, one tire has a problem due to VA potholes, so getting 2 new fronts on Thurs (Michelin all weather performance, thank you Tire Rack) - and a new strut (thank you VA DOT!). thank YOU all for your help! Lisa
  7. Thanks Craig! Yes, been a while... went on a nice vacation, training for a 10-mile run (argh!), and generally keeping busy with work, so haven't made it out to the track - or an event =( - yet. The scavenger hunt this past weekend looked like it must have been REALLY fun. I have the cherry picking on the calendar so I hope to see you then - if not before. Eric and I don't have the right jacks to lift up a whole side to switch tires. We are driving down to Williamsburg for Memorial day, and I was hoping to switch the tires around before then. I also know that my tires wear funny - thanks negative camber - so figured I'd get them balanced at the same time. Happy to take advice and offers of assistance if its feasible before Sat :-) thanks! Lisa
  8. Hi... new to Northern Virginia... and I need to have my tires rotated. I know nothing about car repair shops in the east. In the west, there are places that will rotate and repair flats for free if they do the install. Any recommendations for places in the east with the same sort of customer care? Don't need new tires yet, but would like to start the relationship building now. Thanks!
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