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Posts posted by Buffettbassman

  1. I've changed brake pads before on other cars but never on the MINI.


    Someone told me that I had to replace the rotors with new ones...implying that the rotors can't be cut. Is this a Yetti-esque myth?


    If I wanted to replace the pads and rotors with after market ones without changing the calipers, what would you recommend?


    As always, thanks

  2. Based on my previous experiences with doing this, I was thinking we might want to approach BMW to use the Mini logo like the BMW Owners Group did.


    I went to college with several high ranking execs working at the US BMW - MINI Headquarters in NJ. Let me make some phone calls/e-mails. If not, we'll need someone to come up with some artwork. I'd be more than willing to do the legwork with the local Mini dealers and with BMW/MINI


    Having done this before, here's how it goes:


    The Harley Owners Group used the logo approved by H-D and needed their permission as well to use it.


    I (we - the Parrothead Clubs) did a similar thing with the Parrotheads plate - Jimmy Buffett had to approve the use of the logo and the name "Parrotheads" since it's a licensed trademark to Margaritaville Holdings. That took about a year and finally Jimmy himself intervened after someone made contact with him. Then it took about 6 months to get 350. A record actually...


    The other one I worked on was for Oceana Naval Air Station when I was stationed there and took at about four years. The only place you could pick up the application form for pre-payment was at the main gate of the airbase. In retrospect, probably should have passed on that one:banghead:

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