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Paintless Dent Removal Party

DCMM Club Calendar


<p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Paintless Dent Removal Party</span></strong></p>

<p>Saturday ~ 22 March 2014</p>

<p> </p>


<p> </p>

<p>GarageMahal (McVeay's house)</p>

<p>5200 Lindsay St</p>

<p>Fairfax, VA 22032</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Randy Coffey is available for another dent removal party. He has again offered us the incredible price of $50/panel (not per dent). </p>

<p> ~ Dents should typically be about a half-dollar in size, without creases. Anything over 2" will require an estimate and much more shop time. </p>

<p> ~ Dents can't be in the roofs, pillars or rails as they require much more shop time to access and repair</p>

<p> ~ No dents on body lines or edges of panels</p>

<p> </p>

<p>~~ If anyone has any questions on what Randy can or cannot do, please email him 2 to 3 pictures from a few feet back at a 45 degree angle. <a href="mailto:randy@detailauthority.com" rel="">randy@detailauthority.com</a> or <a href="mailto:randycoffey17@gmail.com" rel="">703-978-7800</a>. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>please RSVP with your time request. I will edit the schedule accordingly. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>9:00 - </p>

<p>9:40 - Ray ~ NYRican MC40</p>

<p>10:20 - Bill ~ wsheffel</p>

<p>11:00 - 11:30 Lunch Break</p>

<p>11:30 - Chris ~ SMNOLE MCS</p>

<p>12:10 - John ~ OBSESSIVE</p>

<p>12:50 </p>

<p>1:30 - Craig ~ SneakyBaron</p>

<p>2:10 - Beau ~ ElpolloDiablo</p>

<p>2:50 - Beau ~ ElpolloDiablo</p>

<p>3:30 - Laura ~ GreenCactus</p>

<p>4:10 - </p>

<p> </p>

<p>If people would just like to come by and hang out during the day, we will fire up the grill and/or smoker.</p>


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